My colleagues and I are on page 3 of the Sydney Morning Herald today. There's a big colour picture of us.
I'm laughing, holding a bottle of champagne. The headline reads: A site for sore ears: how one small office beat the world. Kazaa is the most searched for term on the internet in 2003 according to both Yahoo! and Lycos search engines. View online.
Yahoo!'s other top searches were:
2. Harry Potter
3. American Idol
4. Britney Spears
5. 50 Cent
Kazaa also had some great early Christmas news:
- 19th Dec - The Dutch Supreme Court ruled that Kazaa is not responsible for the potentially infringing actions of its users. This victory sets the precedent about the legality of peer-to-peer technology across the European Union, and around the world.
- 23rd Dec - 35 producers in the world's most prolific film center (Bollywood) have signed a deal to sell their movies using Kazaa.
This is one hellova wave to be riding!