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    « The AFR Broadband Conference | Main | Smart Energy (aka Smart Grid) »

    July 15, 2009


    Caesar Wong

    Good points. Regarding taking advantage of the NBN, I think there are some business models that are pretty much ready to go: online movie delivery, digital TV, etc. and businesses that are ready to utilise it: Blockbuster, Bigpond Movies, Tivo. Then there are the ones that we can simply import: Hulu (yes, please!), NetFlix, etc.

    Then on the non-consumer side there's medical imaging, stuff to do with geography :-) and pretty much whatever requires high resolution media.

    Don't forget the possible social media outbreak if cheap bandwidth becomes available. Youtube will barely be able to contain the Aussie-flood or user generated content, coupled with new mobile technologies such as the video capable iPhone 3GS.


    Sam just came up with a good one too - "Holographic 3D web navigation for Web 3.0" - so we can throw away our keyboards!

    Might help solve the RSI / back & neck pain problems caused by sitting in front of our keyboards & computer screens all day.


    Jeremiah Owyang just posted three videos showcasing potential augmented reality ideas that would eat broadband!

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