Mary Murphy, reporting from the recent THINK Forum in NYC, wrote:
“We’re living in a time where our need for strong leadership is intensifying and the leadership qualities we need are changing.”
In her blog post titled "We Need a New Leadership Approach to Make the Planet Smarter", she goes on to say:
“We’ve arrived at a juncture where the only barriers to building a smarter planet are imagination and leadership. We have to develop future leaders who have the vision necessary to make progress and the skills to lead companies and communities to that better place.”
“Observing Leadership Series client protagonists this year has helped us pinpoint three attributes that they share. They’re all systems thinkers who can look across complex and interconnected systems and see their way to a solution. All are able to build a constituency despite resistance to change and conflicting interests. And they all have the ability to cultivate an information-led culture to help solve what sometimes seem like insurmountable challenges."
Perhaps we need a system to cultivate this information-led culture to build constituencies: How about a 2.0 communications approach for open leaders to drive truly collaborative progress?
In the spirit of collaborative progress, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this...
Completely agree with this view: leadership - it it is to survive - will have the same core qualities that we admire since the beginning of management science - but the anchor points are completely different.
I highly recommend the ebook "one tribe at a time" - where major Jim Gant shows what 'influence without authority' means.
Posted by: Luc Galoppin (@lucgaloppin) | November 11, 2011 at 01:15 AM
Luc, appreciate your comments. I like the concept of the anchor points being the part that changed.
Thanks for recommending "One Tribe at a Time" - outstanding. It even prompted a new post!
Posted by: Rowan Hetherington | November 12, 2011 at 10:56 AM