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    « Marketing 2.0: How to transform an organization from inside-out to outside-in | Main | The Power of Open: 2.0 Public, Private and Community Sectors »

    October 22, 2011


    Luc Galoppin (@lucgaloppin)

    Completely agree with this view: leadership - it it is to survive - will have the same core qualities that we admire since the beginning of management science - but the anchor points are completely different.
    I highly recommend the ebook "one tribe at a time" - where major Jim Gant shows what 'influence without authority' means.

    Rowan Hetherington

    Luc, appreciate your comments. I like the concept of the anchor points being the part that changed.

    Thanks for recommending "One Tribe at a Time" - outstanding. It even prompted a new post!



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