In an earlier post I covered detailed findings about enabling social listening research within IBM's marketing and communications practice. Those of you not familiar with social listening may be wondering what all the fuss is about -- why has social listening become a hot topic?
This short video, from the internal Digital Workshop in Milan last year communicates the value of listening -- and why all modern marketers should all have some basic skill in this area. A few of my followers found this on YouTube and said they found it useful, so I'm sharing it here.
View on YouTube (incl. full screen option)
If your defined constituency segment is active online, I recommend embedding a listening practice as the backbone of the Integrated Planning System. It provides significant value as part of steps 2, 3, 4 and 5.
First, listening can be extremely valuable in defining the constituency segment you want to engage with, as well as gathering Constituent Insights, including information about their shared interests, beliefs, ambitions and behaviours (which may inform the value proposition and content) and which social sites, networks and platforms they use (which will inform decisions regarding which tactics and media to use within the engagement plan).
Listening should also be an ongoing activity throughout the engagement cycle (Step 3) -- for example responding in near real time to potential leads. It would also form part of the measurement system (Step 4) and analytics (Step 5).
I hope this is useful to those of you new to social listening.